Each spring, Professor Christopher Kelley teaches a popular course in the Rule of Law. As Professor Kelley notes in his course syllabus, "This course was inspired by the
World Justice Project. The WJP was largely created by William H. Neukom, a past President of the American Bar Association and the former General Counsel of Microsoft. He believes that every law school should have a rule of law course, which is why I created this course in 2009. I had the good fortune of working with Bill and others on the WJP’s first World Justice Forum and attending the second WJF, both of which were in Vienna, and the fourth WJF in The Hague. As I have done since 2009, I will endeavor to keep this course true to the spirit of the World Justice Project by keeping its focus on contemporary, global rule of law issues and, most fundamentally, on the rule of law’s meaning and significance."
This semester, we will be joined by students at
Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv, Ukraine. Students in Fayetteville will be connected to their counterpoints in Ukraine by video conference with Professor Kelley facilitating conversations between the two institutions. Images from our class are below.